Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day 2011
Tim, Mom, Nancy & Diane

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Time flies....officially it has been 4 years

February 7th marked the 4th anniversary of my first post of our journey.  We are just rocking along, probably in stage 6. Mom's doctor did prescribe a low dose antidepressant to help with her crying for her daddy.  For the last few months, mom has cried during our visit.  Over and over she says daddy, daddy, daddy...wanting to know where he is and when he will be back.  She will tell us she just saw him earlier today or last night.  Breaks your heart....he has been dead over 30 years.  She never cries for her mom just her daddy.....she was an only child and a daddy's girl for sure.  That low dose has made all the difference, the last few visits she is not crying and sometimes we can get a smile out of her.  There will be a Valentine's party on Thursday night and we are all going to celebrate.  She will not know the meaning of Valentine's Day but I hope she can tell we all love her very much.  We love you mom.