Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day 2011
Tim, Mom, Nancy & Diane

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day and enjoyed a great day.  When we started taking pictures yesterday, Mom's giggle box was working overtime.  We don't even remember what got her started but she was laughing so hard we had to stop the 'photo shoot' and let her get her serious face on.  She would double over from laughing--it was great to see her having such a good time.  I got a couple of  those 'laughing' shots. 

Mom was not looking forward to today because of a doctor's visit this morning.  It does not matter what kind of doctor she is going to visit--she gets anxious.  She does not like doctors period.  Today was with the neurologist and she knew she would be 'taking' the dreaded test (Alzheimer's testing).  The doctor asked her the standard questions and thankfully she did much better this time than in January.  We are not sure if it is the medication, but she seems to be 'holding steady' at the moment.  Her next visit is not until January 2012 and she was very happy with that news. 

We cherish each day that we have with her and we all loved to see her laughing yesterday.  This is going to be a rough journey but right now the waters are still calm.  In the future things will get choppy and we can expect a full fledged storm of this awful disease.  God is still on the throne and in control.  He will see our family through this.  For anyone who has a loved one with Alzheimer's, we will all go through the same journey just at different times.  Ephesians 4:16 (NCV) "Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God's throne where there is grace.  There we can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it." 


  1. Diane, Thank you so much for sharing this. I have tears reading about your great day and tears for what you all will have to endure in the years ahead. It is so comforting to know that God is in control.
    Love to your family.

  2. Yours is one of the families who will move through this part of your life with grace.

    You already know: just take each day with your mother as fully as you can.

    There came a point when my husband was given the "tests" that I would say, "No, he won't be able to do that, stop." the driving test was so complex I'm not sure I could pass it!

    Re: difficulty with insurance company--how ridiculous, namenda is one of the two drugs of choice; the other is aricept--is she taking that also?

    I will follow your blog. I have one too but have found the discussions on the FB page to be where the action is.

    Best, Michelle Montgomery

  3. I love it when mom smiles. She does not laugh anymore but a smile is great. Hoping your mom is still laughing and have a wonderful 4th of July .
